Trulah Maloy

We’re stoked to welcome our good friend and inspiring creative, Trulah Maloy, to the Dreamos Round Table. Trulah’s a singer-songwriter and worship leader from Charlotte, NC, now building her dreams in Nashville, TN.

Through honest, authentic, and powerful storytelling, Trulah’s music is making a difference in the lives of all her listeners. Her latest EP, “Prologue” is now available on all streaming platforms, and you’re gonna wanna make a playlist and hit repeat.  ⁣As her career continues to progress, her dreams continue to expand.

Trulah recently launched DOXA — Bringing together like-minded creatives to empower their gifts and ignite their relationship with God.  ⁣Whether through music, or leading a growing community, Trulah lives in a way that makes an impact. We know you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you hear more from her heart, story, and pursuit.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

The dream that I am working towards is exposing as many souls to the good news of Christ as I can with music being the main vehicle I use to do so. Glory to God, this past May, I had the incredible honor and joy of releasing a new EP called ‘Prologue,’ in which I sought to reveal through my experience and journey in life thus far, humanity’s great need for a Savior.

The EP discusses the affairs of life such as love and the heart, loss and pain, desire and longing, as the prologue to eternity with Christ. Such affairs are inevitable, but rather than becoming our main event, should lead us to He who is. The hope being that the listener would be led to The Truth through such various life experiences, tests and trials. As dreams often jump from one thing to the next, I am excited to be back in the studio here soon to continue releasing music! 

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

Music has been a love of mine since I can remember. I began singing in front of audiences at the age of eight, enjoying playing roles in musicals, singing in choirs and being involved in the music department of my local church. At twelve years old, I heard a sermon centered around the purpose of gifts and talents. Though a new idea to me at the time, the truth that any gift I’m given is to be given back to God, used merely as a tool to glorify Him, is something that has stayed with me since it left that preacher’s lips.

I believe my dreams are ever-changing as with the seasons. For instance, at the beginning of this year, my dream was to release the music I’d saved up, and by the grace of God, I just released that project. Yet, last year was totally different, as I started up a monthly gathering for local creatives. Dreams and even talents evolve, but what must remain is this, that in all things, Christ be glorified (1 Peter 4:10-11).  

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

The pursuit of my dreams go hand in hand with my relationship with Christ. I would not desire that even a second pass without the two being intertwined. The reason for this being that as Jeremiah 17:9 states, the heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick. Apart from Christ, we naturally pursue the desires of the flesh, but the flesh is opposed to God and craves that which is contrary to the Spirit (Gal 5:17). If I have not Christ and His Lordship as an all encompassing reality, I’ve missed it, and left to my own devices, would find myself in ruin, for He is the Good Shepherd. This directly affects all I pursue and the use of my gifts, because I am called to steward. If I know that, I know it is not my place to dictate what I ought to do with my gifts, but to well manage what I’ve been given.

The only way to know how to manage my gift, is to be surrendered to the Gift Giver. The beautiful thing about this is, as Psalms 31 describes, my love, trust and commitment to the Lord, yields a transformation of the heart. No longer will my desires be ill, flesh ridden  desires, but desires in alignment with the will of God. He will actually re-write the very desires of my heart and replace it with His own as I delight in Him and His Word.

What encouragement would you give someone who’s going after their dream?

Dreams are wonderful and in pursuit, have a way of writing a beautiful journey of faith and trust. Like all things however, they must be put in their rightful place. My advice for the dreamer is to dream big, as big as you can, all while sitting at the foot of the cross. The moment we begin to dream outside of the authority of Christ, the quicker the pride of life, reach for fame and notoriety, love of money and ultimately idolatry can sweep in. I am well aware of the world’s strong pull to revel in our own gifts.

There have been times in my life I have opened my mouth to sing for all the wrong reasons, or waited for the applause of man as affirmation, and even using my gifts, have sought to pave my own path, yet through all of it, I have found that dreams get all the more lovely and worth pursuing when our greatest pursuit is Christ. For all of us, it is and will continue to be a daily decision to lay aside all earthly treasure and seek the greatest treasure of Christ.


Inspiration (026)


Insight (025)