Tatenda Elizabeth

We’re completely stoked to welcome our friend and killer creative, Tatenda Elizabeth, to the Dreamos Round Table. Tatenda’s a passionate and innovate fashion designer building her dreams in Perth, Western Australia.  

In only a few short years, Tatenda’s work was featured in Eco Fashion week Australia, and she was invited to be a part of multiple runway shows, including RAW Australia and Telstra Perth Fashion festival. Her creative pursuits have also brought her to Beijing to be a part of the design marathon at the Beijing Institute of Fashion and Technology as well as the annual Beijing Design Week. 

As both a creative and entrepreneur, Tatenda has recently launched her own label, Testament The Label, and Renaissance Anastais, a collective of ready-to-wear pieces. With a passion for people and a gift for storytelling, Tatenda reaches others through fashion in a way that’s uniquely her own. We know you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you hear more from her heart, story, and pursuit.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I’m currently turning my life long dream of being a fashion designer into reality. 

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

Design has always been a part of everything I do. Even from a very young age, you would find me drawing dresses and outfits. From the moment I was allowed to use a sewing machine, I just went for it, and the passion has stuck with me ever since! 

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

The name of my label, Testament, came to me when I realized my dreams and faith can go hand in hand! A testament is proof of conviction, and my faith and convictions directly inspire my work. My constant prayer is that God would breathe on my work and turn it into something divinely inspired - Something I could never think of myself! 

What encouragement would you give someone who’s going after their dream?

Find encouraging and like-minded friends who you can talk about your dreams with. Talking about your dreams brings them into the light - When they’re in the light, they’ll begin to grow.


Inspiration (032)


Insight (031)