Savannah Lopez

Savannah’s a photographer and videographer building her dreams from Charlotte, NC.

From growing up in Texas to going after big things in North Carolina, Savannah pours her faith into everything she believes. Using her gifts and creativity for what God’s inspired her to do, Savannah’s pursuing a career at Elevation Church and Elevation Outreach.

Whether Savannah’s out on the field documenting natural disasters, capturing a Sunday experience, or shooting live music events, it’s her goal to share what God’s doing through every project she brings to life.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

Making a name for yourself in the realm of event/concert photography isn’t always the easiest. Thankfully, I’ve been able to be surrounded by people who have given me a chance to express my craft and gifts I feel the Lord has given me. If you were to talk to 15 year old Sav, she would not believe the opportunities that have been presented today.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

When I was about 16 years old, I was able to sneak my little Canon T5i into a Christian music festival in Dallas, TX. Something sparked inside of me that day, and I didn’t know how or when, but I knew I wanted to be a part of telling stories creatively. I was soon fascinated with developing my photography skills and teaching myself all things videography.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

One thing I used to say all the time, and was reminded of recently by the super talented Graham Gardner, is that God is the ultimate creator. We are made in His image, and ultimately, we create because He created first.

For me, when I’m capturing photos or video, my mindset revolves around that. When I invite Him in, and keep Him in the forefront of everything I do, I’m able to capture stories and emotion that I hope people can see Him in.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

It’s so easy to constantly compare your work to everything out there on social media. If you constantly judge yourself off of someone else's experience or hard work, you are limiting yourself, and keeping yourself from growing. I would encourage you to change your mindset.

When I see work from other creatives, I ask myself these questions:

“What about this piece is drawing me to it?”

“What is the story this piece is pushing forward?”

“What can I learn from this?”

Honestly, I ask myself the same questions for my own work. Everyone starts somewhere, so keep searching for what creatively inspires you.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

You have to be your biggest fan. So, don’t doubt your gifts - Just keep learning and keep growing. Comparison is easier than growing, but remind yourself why you started creating and who you’re creating for. Let that push you forward.


Insight (117)


Insight (116)