Sarah Partain

We’re stoked to have our good friend Sarah Partain with us for this week’s Dreamos Round Table! Sarah’s a photographer, artist, and designer following her faith from London, UK back to Los Angeles, CA.

Sarah’s heart for people, passion for creativity, and faith in God has empowered the pursuit of every dream she’s gone after. No matter the concept, or size of the project, Sarah’s approach, perspective, and ability lifts every environment and elevates every outcome.

It’s been 8 years since Sarah started creative freelancing, and there are countless more years to come. Whether it’s a move to London, or a move back to LA, Sarah’s fully embraced the adventure of faith - Following wherever God leads. We know you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you hear more from her heart, story, and pursuit.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

My dreams are ever-evolving – I believe God uses dreams to speak to us about the callings He has already set in place for us in the physical. A couple verses that speak to this are Psalm 37:4 and Matthew 6:21. “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalms), and “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew).

In that sense, I think it’s difficult for me to pinpoint a singular dream or pursuit, but rather a daily desire to fully experience every second of living in order to:

a) Know my Creator more fully

b) Know myself as a creator in the image of The Creator more fully

c) Understand how to express that creativity in a way that tells a story of existence, gives God the highest glory, and enables the outworking of His highest good for those around me.

That’s the overarching dream. Within that, I’m honestly just moving forward with anything that crosses my path. I work freelance/contract as a web designer, photographer, graphic designer, social media manager, and creative strategist - Really any of the creative career buzzwords you can slap on a title.

I’m beginning to nurture the dream of starting a company that pulls elements from a creative agency / lifestyle brand / collaborative space - But, it’s still in baby stages. I feel like I’ve reached a place where I can just be faithful with daily opportunities, really focused on the present moment, and that definitely feels like a bit of an “arrival.” Just getting to sit in peace and love what I’m doing.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I’ve always loved the arts. I grew up as a painter before I ever got into photography or design. One of my mentors describes creativity as, “Breathing out that which exists within us, and exhaling the core identity that comes directly from who God is.”

So, my dream career isn’t necessarily one facet or one specific job. It’s getting to work as a creative, and as fully myself in everything I do – Especially when I get to combine different elements of creativity on the same project.

I think a realization of that dream has come as I’ve been hired for jobs out of who I am, and what my voice can bring to the table, rather than a singular ability or set of skills. There’s so much freedom that comes from being entrusted to cast vision and execute the work.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

Honestly, I can’t speak about anything I’m doing without pointing directly to God first. He’s the Director, Provider, Encourager, Protector, Leader, Inspiration, and Example for all aspects of my life - Especially my career.

God is relational - I talk to Him the way I would my parents or friends. Nothing is too big or too small for Him. I’ll ask for connection or inspiration going into a shoot, the right words to say in a client email, or even where I should travel for a job.

I think inviting the Holy Spirit into ALL spaces of my career really sanctifies my work and keeps my head on straight lol.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

I LOVE lists. I have 700+ notes on my phone right now in the notes app. So I write down everything. Any ideas that pop into my head, any random jobs or connections I think of – I trust my instincts and knee-jerk reactions. Even if I don’t revisit those notes for days, or ever at all, getting my ideas out into a physical space allows me to have the mental space to think clearly and move forward.

I also think it’s so important to have a community who understands you and your work. Accountability, encouragement, and the enjoyment of working with other people keeps me moving. I’m so inspired by daily conversation.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

Two things – Stay in the present moment, and don’t define yourself by the world.

There’s this quote by Ann Voscamp I love that says, “The mind would rather fret about the future or pine over the past — So the mind can cling to its own illusion of control. But the current moment? It cannot be controlled. And what a mind can’t control, it tends to discount…It’s the battle plan of the enemy of the soul — To keep us blind to this current moment, the one we can’t control, to keep us blind to Him, the One who controls everything.”

Obviously it’s great and important and exciting to dream, plan, cast vision for the future – But, if we can be robbed of the present moment by anxiety, fear, or distraction, then how can we ever build a foundation for the future? The current moment is the only moment we can access – Don’t throw it away. Soak it in.

Then, don’t define yourself by the world - God doesn’t operate underneath human constructs. He doesn’t operate underneath money, age, status, or even our version of time.

Be careful not to view Jesus through the lens of the world. View the world through the lens of Jesus. We are unlimited!! Just go for it! Stop playing by the rules of earth. Don’t take your identity/value/definition from ANYTHING in the external, instead pull only from the internal – From your internal identity as a beloved and royal son or daughter.


Insight (067)


Insight (066)