Rachelle Dusting

This is a great day - Our good friend Rachelle Dusting is joining us all the way from Perth, Western Australia. Rachelle’s an incredible oil painter who studied under world-class artists like Robin Eley, Vincent Desiderio and Jon Tarry.

She specializes in realism and photorealism, but also explores new mediums, like large-scale murals and public art. Rachelle’s equally as passionate about teaching art as she is creating in the studio.

She contributes to the global creative culture, while being a positive and uplifting voice in the Australian art community. We know you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you hear more from her heart, story, and pursuit.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

Being an Artist! 

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

When popular girl Alana from 7th grade told me my Picasso-inspired artwork was amazing, and that I should “totally be an artist” when I grow up...    

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

Jesus is part of my everyday dialogue. Whether subvert or overt, He’s in the decisions I make and part of the conversations I have. When I feel His presence most is when I’m delighting in the joy of creativity, and so I think my relationship with Him is a very natural part of my creative ideas and pursuits, and very much woven into the artworks I create.

What encouragement would you give someone who’s going after their dream?

Never let discouragement determine your response - If you can understand the purpose of your dreams, that will anchor you in the “hard slog” kind of seasons and moments of failure, which as a creative should be many ha!


Inspiration (015)


Insight (014)