Molly Kate Kestner

We’ve got the insanely talented Molly Kate Kestner with us for this week’s Dreamos Round Table, and we’re completely stoked. Molly Kate’s a singer-songwriter who’s making waves for both her powerhouse voice and her gift for writing.

She was propelled into the spotlight when her first original song, “His Daughter,” went viral. Since then, she’s been signed to Atlantic Records and written songs for herself as well as for other established artists, such as Kelly Clarkson and Andy Grammer.

Her single “Prom Queen” has reached over 35 million streams on Spotify & Apple Music. In May of 2019, she released “My Way Up”, her first independent single since “His Daughter,” and she’s got even more music coming this year. Molly Kate’s such an encourager, with an amazing heart and ability to lift any room she’s in. We know you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you hear from her story and pursuit.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

The greatest dream of mine is to use my voice and words to inspire and influence my generation. Currently, I am doing that by writing songs and singing! 

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

There was a very defining moment for me when I was a senior in high school. I performed a song I had written by myself as a senior solo. Just me, playing the piano and sharing something that was very close to my heart. It was terrifying. When I finished, I looked up and realized I was getting a standing ovation… and I just remember thinking, “’s not just me - This means something to other people too.” That moment was the confidence boost I needed to post a video of me singing that same song on Facebook a week or so later…and my life changed drastically after that.   

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

My faith is the greatest thing that keeps me grounded. I firmly believe that God is the One who gave me a platform in the first place, so whenever I feel out of control…I always come back to that. Knowing that He’s been a part of this from the start is the foundation that has kept me solid, even during seasons where I’ve needed to restructure and rebuild.

What encouragement would you give someone who’s going after their dream?

Embrace the season you’re in. Don’t wish it away - It’s preparing you for what comes next. Learn from the hard days, enjoy the easy days, thank God for the busy days, and SHOW UP every day.


Inspiration (019)


Insight (018)