Marah Brown

Marah’s a fashion stylist, photographer, and podcaster getting after all her dreams from Atlanta, GA.

Whether it’s behind the scenes, behind the camera, or behind the mic, Marah longs to create genuine connection with others through the beauty of creativity and life’s real moments. For Marah, it’s never just about reaching a dream, but about reaching others along the way.

Never one to limit herself, Marah sees endless possibilities to make the most of every moment she’s in. For her, each new day is a new opportunity to say “yes” to whatever God has next.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I have finally started my podcast, which has been a dream of mine for quite some time! I have wanted to create and share in this vulnerable way for so long. It surpasses just what you see on the surface of Instagram or through other work I do. It feels really empowering and meaningful for me right now.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I don’t know that I have discovered it, honestly. It has changed and evolved as I have changed and evolved. I think the only thing I’m ever trying to do, is to be diligent in listening and saying “yes” to whatever God is leading me into currently. This has looked like a blog, styling, photography, and now a podcast. I just want to remain open because my dreams are constantly revealing themselves.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

So much of what I have already done, or long to do, feels like deep God calls within my being. God is of course in everything we do, whether it’s just a passion project or a career path. But, seeing how He has guided me thus far, I’m like - “Okay cool, you just show me what’s next.” It always works out better that way.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

Practical steps are actually really difficult for me. I have big picture ideas, but I tend to get caught up in the planning/goal stage with no real progress. I think the one thing that has changed for me recently is to just trust myself in what I am feeling led to do. Like with this podcast. I sat on it for over 3 years, but the practical step was to just do it. Sometimes, I think that is the step - Saying “yes” without knowing quite how to get there.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

It is burning within you for a reason. When I’m questioning what I’m supposed to do next, this is something I have come back to time and time again. We often know our dream because it has been placed within us, and it nags at us. That nagging is not random.


Insight (109)


Insight (108)