Liza Proch

Liza’s an artist and designer pursuing her dreams from Fredericksburg, Texas.

With a love for rich color, bold design, and the creative process, Liza uses paint and brush to bring moody florals to life on canvas. Growing up in Fredericksburg, Texas, she’s also had the opportunity to tour with the band Willow City, playing music around the country and competing in one of Nickelodeon’s music shows.

While enjoying music, Liza’s main passion is the arts - The freedom to create and express thought and emotion through the stroke of a brush or the sketch of a pencil.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I’m so thankful for the opportunity to wake up every day and create. I’m an artist and designer, with a focus on acrylic painting (I paint these vibrant, oversized florals on canvas) and iPad illustration.

I recently released a couple of fun things, like vinyl stickers, postcards, and a hand-designed coloring book.

I’m passionate about inspiring others to create and use their God-given gifts. That’s really the ultimate goal - To make art that inspires others and adds a little more beauty to the world.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I grew up in a creative home with parents who not only accepted exploration and creativity, but encouraged it. So, I’ve always known I loved art and design.

I started discovering my love for color and bold designs while working with brushes and brainstorming ideas with other creatives. That’s when I truly felt alive, when I knew - “Oh, this is what I was created to do!”

I don’t think there’s any feeling quite like making and creating something out of raw materials - To get lost in the creative flow and suddenly realize you feel alive in a whole new way.

I’ve always known I loved art, but over the last few years, it’s become so clear to me that it’s the avenue God provided for me to bear His Image and reflect Himself to the world.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

Each day I wake up, I’m overwhelmed with how God has put a little piece of His character in each of us - Like a small mirror to reflect His image back into the world.

So, when we create beauty, we reflect Him. But, creating isn’t just about art, music, or interior design. We can create or destroy through how we speak, interact with, and treat those around us.

It’s so important to remember that God created each of us specifically and purposefully, with love and compassion. This is something I’m slowly learning and still have a lot to learn about.

Each day we have the choice to reflect our Creator - Build up and speak life, live stuck in ourselves, or tear down others around us. It’s really up to us.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

Don’t let your work and schedule take up brain space. Make room in your brain for creative ideas, not a stack of to-dos.

I would also say, find a morning routine that works for you! Get up, workout, fuel your body well, and spend time with the Ultimate Designer. We can’t expect to create well if we’re not finding our inspiration from the Source of all beauty. Start your day with resetting your mind on your Maker.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

Whether it’s painting, photography, cooking, or design - Don’t find your worth or significance in your work, or in how you compare to others.

There’s a dark temptation to gauge our value according to what other people are doing, but God has given you the brain and gifts to create something specific. No one else can ever create the same way you do. Embrace the differences God has given you, and remember - Comparison is the enemy’s way of distracting you from fully living and creating in the way He made you to.


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