Libby O

Libby’s a talk show host and producer building her dreams from Nashville, TN.

As an entrepreneur in media, Libby has created a variety of content for Nashville organizations, red carpet events, networking communities, and for her own platform, “The Libby O Show”.

With persistent faith, an optimistic mindset, and a magnetic personality, Libby has paved the way for high level progress and possibility. As a sought after personality, Libby has welcomed entertainers like Carly Pearce, Billy Ray Cyrus, Abby Anderson, Ellie Holcomb, Dennis Quaid, Kathie Lee Gifford, Chris Tomlin, and Greer Grammer onto her show.

As Libby’s career continues to grow, she continues investing in the lives of others, encouraging them to go after the dreams of their own. We know you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you hear more from her heart, story, and pursuit

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

Hosting my variety talk show.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

An interest in becoming on-camera talent was there since I was a kid, but I always felt “too shy” to pursue it in reality. I loved watching hosts on shows like “The Travel Channel” and “Today Show”, and found it fascinating how they lived a “show and tell” career!

During and after college, a few interviewing opportunities came about, and from there I was hooked. In hindsight, I was always creating a blog, podcast, or content side project which helped in my editing and branding development.

I guess you could say my dream kept discovering me over and over again until I was brave enough to own it. Along the way God was planting a seed of what has now become my dream project - The Libby O Show.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

I like to look at my dream as a way to show others that faith is eternal. The conversations and experiences on camera are temporary, but their messages show there is light in this life if we focus on the joy in both good and bad.

My faith has been part of my realization that everything I have experienced so far is not from me. Through His timing, God gave me the resources and personality to create The Libby O Show. I’m thankful interviewing is what He has called me to do, despite the work it takes to go after it all with a whole heart.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

Discipline and consistency go hand in hand when pursuing anything - Especially when it comes from an entrepreneurial place.

I’ve learned how to prioritize in a way that doesn’t set myself up for burnout, but pushes me to critically think about how I’m spending my time on a daily basis.

I’m a morning person, so working earlier in the day is routine. Using project management programs like Asana helps me stay organized for tasks regarding each shoot in pre-production, booking, and promotion for when that content airs.

Taking walks and investing in a social life is simple, but necessary for overall health. While the grind is important, don’t forget to live a little - You’ll have more stories and inspiration to share with your audience!

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

Opportunities and validation come and go, so make sure to be your own cheerleader first. Dream big, but don’t give into the pressure of “becoming something big.” God set out a path for your dream, He won’t let it pass you as long as it serves the greater good of His Kingdom.

Surround yourself with friends that understand the work that goes into your dream. This allows healthy support for each other’s interests. Finally, focus on God’s plan through your dream. It’s easy to get caught up in the self-satisfaction of “making it,” that we can get lost in our identity a bit. He wants you to enjoy all that comes with your dream while remembering the reason He inspired you from the beginning.


Insight (078)


Insight (077)