Karla Lopez

We’re so stoked to have our always encouraging and incredibly gifted friend, Karla Lopez, with us for this week’s Dreamos Round Table⁣.

Karla’s a brilliant creative entrepreneur with a heart after God and a passion for the next generation. She and her husband Gabe are making an impact through their original music and early childhood music education classes under the name, Little Parade . Along with reaching others through records and classes, she’s also making a difference at Good Manner, the coffee roastery she and her family co-founded in the Lakeview community of Chicago, IL.

Whether it’s recording music, teaching classes, or creating community, Karla’s greatest drive is to help people feel the way God makes her feel - Loved. We know you’ll be encouraged as you hear more from her heart, story, and pursuit.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

Fortunately, I’m already living my dream as an Early Childhood music educator. It’s called Little Parade, and I’ve been doing that full time for four amazing years. 

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I discovered my dream after numerous nanny jobs. I would take my kids to music classes and knew I would love to do that someday. I loved kids and loved music just as much, so it was the perfect blend of both. I loved nannying, as I’m a naturally empathetic person. I really felt for children and enjoyed finding creative ways to help them navigate emotion. I saw the worth in them, and saw so much more beauty. I finally understood why the younger generation is so important. But most importantly, I grew a heart of gratitude for our Lord and for how He created us to be His children.  

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

On paper my job is to teach, sing, and play, but my main objective is to make people feel acknowledged and loved. Since the beginning, it was not about me, but about the generations after me. I want them to feel celebrated, worthy, and loved by Little Parade. I want people to see Jesus in every smile, hear Him in every laugh, and feel Him in every praise that we give to parents and their children. They may not even know it, but I know I am doing my job right when they say, “There’s such a peace in your class.” All we’re really doing is making people feel the way God makes us feel. He makes me feel at peace, and that’s where I like to be. 

What encouragement would you give someone who’s going after their dream?

Surround yourself with one or two people who will help you take the risk. I learned that you’ll never feel ready, so having people in place as support is so helpful. Some of you will have to be that person for yourself, and that’s okay! At the end of the day we have a heavenly Father who provides all we need. Matthew 6:25-26! Lastly, do everything graciously, because when we do, we are acting like Jesus.


Inspiration (030)


Insight (029)