Jared Ravenscraft

Jared’s the co-founder and creative director of the Eastern, KY based brand, New Frontier.

With big faith and massive action, Jared’s been getting after his dreams, taking the Appalachian Style across the globe. Partnering with music artists like Chris Stapleton, and companies like Appharvest, Jared’s unlocked a Renaissance to his region, shining a positive light on Appalachia.

Coming from a place most people consider, “off the grid,” Jared knows just how blessed he is to be pursuing his dreams as a creative entrepreneur. He even wears a bracelet that reads, “God Strong”, as a daily reminder that with God all things are possible, no matter the circumstances.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I’m very blessed to be creating America's next greatest brand in Appalachia. I wear a lot of hats as a co-founder, but I would say my main role is Creative Director / Chief Visionary Officer. I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to build this dream.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

It was during my senior year of college. My brother and I decided to start New Frontier, and as we were hustling, selling hats and delivering them from my jeep, I fell in love with it.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

My relationship with God is the fuel behind everything I do - He’s the wind in my sails. Now, is my relationship with Him perfect? No - But I know He gives me strength and blesses me everyday.

Coming from Eastern, KY, there aren’t many people who get to chase their dream everyday, or get to work creatively. So, for me to be doing it, I know I’m very blessed, and I don't take that for granted.

There are many highs and lows to running your own business, and my relationship with God helps me stay grounded. I don't let the highs get too high or the lows too low. I've actually had a bracelet on my wrist for the last 5 years that says, “God strong” - It's a reminder for me of that every day.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

I try to work ahead at all times, that's one of the first things I learned in branding. I set yearly goals, and seasonal goals.

I’m also a big journal / note taker guy, so I always like to go back and check off goals that we accomplished.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

There will be highs and lows, but you have to keep charging. When bad things happen, we don't feel sorry for ourselves, we shake it off and keep pushing.

The same applies for high times, when things are good, or when there's a “Win”, we don't get too hung up on it - We keep charging.

At the end of the day, no one really “wins” business - It's an infinite game, the goal is to keep playing. So, we keep charging just to stay in the game.


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