Gabby Valladares

Gabby’s a blogger, photographer, and graphic designer pursuing her dreams from Los Angeles, CA.

With faith as her guide and passion as her driver, Gabby uses every ounce of her creativity to bring light to the dark world of human trafficking. With big dreams and big action, Gabby lives a life that proves how even the smallest steps of purpose can create epic moments of impact.

Whether it’s in conversation or speaking from a stage, Gabby’s voice is tethered to the ultimate freedom of the victims of human trafficking. We know you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you hear more from her heart, story, and pursuit.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

My biggest dream is to travel and utilize my creative passions to be an advocate against human trafficking while encouraging women all over the world.

Whether it’s through writing, speaking, social media, graphic design, or photography, I want to use what I love for a greater purpose.

I’m graduating college with a BA in Communications at the end of 2021. So, after that, I hope to start working with a non-profit that fights human trafficking, and also go on more creative, entrepreneurial endeavors.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I remember going to a fundraising banquet for an anti-human trafficking organization when I was around 14 years old and hearing the stories of human trafficking survivors. It made me angrier than anything to hear about these injustices (which happens to men and children too), but it also ignited a passion in me to do something about it.

From that day forward, that passion has only grown, and this dream of mine has been confirmed in so many ways that I can’t doubt this is what God has called me to do.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

My dream to travel the world, interact with different cultures, and use my creative abilities to advocate for those trapped in human trafficking is so big and beyond my finite capabilities. I can’t imagine this dream becoming a reality without God.

I’ve found that He’ll never call us into something we can do on our own. God will call us to things that seem impossible, just to show us they’re possible with Him.

He is the One who placed this dream and desire inside of me, so I believe when I seek and rely solely on Him, He will accomplish something so beautiful out of this dream.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

I make a schedule for myself everyday so I can stay on track. In that schedule, I do my best to include things that fill my soul. When the innermost part of me feels fulfilled, I’m able to think clearly, love others better, and be more equipped for my dream.

This includes: Spending time with Jesus, reading books about my passions, journaling, acquiring new skills, and connecting with people in the field I want to go into.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

Seek God first and surrender your dreams to Him. Whenever I’m discouraged about my dream, it’s often because I’m holding onto it too tightly, and I’m trying to figure it out in my own strength.

God already knows your desires and your future. When you give your dreams back to Him, you’ll see miraculous things happen - Both inwardly and outwardly.


Insight (083)


Insight (082)