Evan Woodrum

Evan’s a director and photographer building his dreams from Atlanta, GA.

However big the dream or challenging the journey, Evan’s always up for wherever faith takes him next. Whether it’s shooting brands, live shows, or behind the scenes, Evan captures moments that bring you right into the story.

No matter the location, the agency, the church, or the band, Evan puts all he is into everything he does.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I’m currently in a dream-like role of director and music photographer taking on different projects for clients within agencies and churches, while also doing freelance photo work.

I would love to eventually go on tour with one artist and be their creative go-to guy, capturing shows, intimate moments along their tour, as well as give directorial vision for campaigns and shoots they’d offer.

It truly is a blessing though, to be able to work with friends. It makes it feel less like a job because I love what I do - Capturing and creating beautiful moments.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

5 years ago, I was exposed to the world of live music photography and learned that you can make a career off capturing the grand moments artists create when performing live.

I had done music for a bit (I play guitar and piano), but it never really stuck, and I didnt see it being a career path. I grew to love photo and video work, and being able to create art of artists was extremely enticing for me.

For the past few years, I’ve been deep in the music world, and have found myself shooting shows. And, more importantly to me - Getting to capture behind the scenes scenarios such as studio time while creating an EP, and acoustic sets where there is no large crowd or large production.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

I think a lot of content creators and musicians feel the need to instantly put out amazing work that resembles that of their favorite artists in the field. They’ll also tend to believe that once they put out the work they’re happy with, thousands of opportunities will come their way out of nowhere.

I was definitely victim to this mindset early on in my career. What got me out of this mindset and rut was my walk with God. God created each of us as individuals who collaborate together on this earth. But, the important thing is each of us has a unique view of the world that makes us an individual.

It’s when I stopped worrying about what my future was going to look like, and trusted in the Word, that I began to be happy with my work. I was also less stressed in general, and started getting opportunities to work in places I always dreamed of.

God has already written out a story for me, and although it has ups and downs, it’s all for the good. Realizing this has helped me understand the point of my photography and creative vision is to glorify Him.

Being faithful in His plan for me, whether in amazing times or really hard times, has been the key factor that allows me to find joy and purpose in my work.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

On a professional level - Writing everything out I need to get done each day keeps me super on track! Definitely recommend getting a small notebook and doing that.

On a spiritual level - Remembering that no matter what happens on a shoot, if a gig falls through, or if I don’t get the job, I am loved by God. That’s been huge for me.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

A big thing I love to live by is - “No” doesn't mean never, it just means “Not at this current moment”. Keep grinding and keep making content you are proud of. Give everything your all.

Also, definitely find a good healthy pattern for rest, and don't let burnout creep into your work life.

Last thing I’d say is - Learn how to take criticism and make the best out of your mistakes.


Insight (111)


Insight (110)