Emily Brandt

Emily’s a fashion and fitness model getting after her dreams from Minneapolis, MN.

With courage, discipline, and determination, Emily’s been moving forward with everything she’s got. Whether it’s fashion, fitness, or creative production, Emily gives her all to every project she’s a part of. Her passion and work ethic are second to none as her modeling career continues to grow while also achieving her fitness goals.

Whether it’s representing women’s health and fitness through modeling, or empowering women to reach their own fitness goals, it’s purpose that keeps her going.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I’m always going back to the talents and ambitions God has gifted me with, and working my hardest to align those areas in my everyday work.

For me, those two areas are fitness and modeling.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

Both fitness and modeling both contain skill sets that I’ve always been naturally gifted in, but couldn’t see on my own were going to play a central role in my calling on earth. It required God-centered community, prayer, and revelation from the Holy Spirit to finally accept the “value” of the gifts I’ve always had.

I first started working casually as a freelance model while in Journalism school at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. Honestly at the time, I didn’t think of it as being a potential career for me or having any further significance other than being a creative outlet that gave me boat loads of joy. Simultaneously, one of my best friends from elementary school was beginning his career in videography, and we found our “internship” summer filled shooting various brands he would pitch to get some great social content of their products. It was the best!

In 2020, I began my full-time career in marketing during the COVID pandemic and quickly recognized the importance of human connection in my daily work. While working from my computer 9-5, I started pursuing modeling as a creative outlet and entrepreneurial endeavor - scheduling shoots on my own, seeking out future gigs with brands, and getting so excited by this skillset I couldn’t even see I had while I was so focused on “figuring my career out”.

Now, when I’m on set for a gig, it’s like my true self has permission to come alive. I can be funny and jump around, and transition straight into a boss woman with a fierce ‘tude depending on what the brand that day is going for. I love pushing the limits of what I’m capable of creating when working with the photographers and art directors around me. I just love seeing the energy and commitment that comes from working together as an entire team to make these big days happen.

From high fashion to fitness brands, I’m energized by representing brands whose missions align with my own values and goals as a female model and athlete. I love the way being in front of a camera feels so completely natural to me, and don’t plan to stop anytime soon.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

I believe as Christians, we are asked to run the “race,” AKA our lives, with endurance. Pursuing my dreams as a young twenty-something is just like beginning to train for a big race. For me personally, I have realized the value of my gifts, and I am in the phase where I’m holding this huge promise and saying, “now what, God?”

Ultimately, to me, life is training for a big race. If I start training 2 hours a day with no real vision of my next competition, my fitness goals, or what brands I may want to work with in the future, I am signing myself up for burnout. I would much rather go slowly, build my dreams bit by bit, and see the fruit when I am 40 than burn out by age 28. “Rome wasn’t built in a day” is a quote that I’ve been speaking over myself recently.

God is faithful to His Word - He has plans and a purpose for your life that are bigger than you can imagine. Rather than worrying about how I’m going to accomplish my goals out of my own strength, I want to focus on how good God is - His tried and true faithfulness to His children throughout history, and enjoy the journey on my way to the destination.

Faith, combined with a solid training schedule and discipline, of course ;)

One of my best friends Annie pointed out the other day that God is sovereign, but we still have responsibilities. I find myself asking God daily which elements of my dream I can leave up to Him, and which ones He is asking me to pick up today. Many times, I can set down a lot of things I thought I should be carrying, and exchange them for tangible, human-sized responsibilities that I CAN and should steward today.

This week, this “me-sized-responsibility” was my next 4-week training schedule. I can trust God to give me the strength, to help me rest, and sustain my health, but if I don’t have my 4-week schedule, then I’m waking up on Monday morning with no plan. And, that’s not what neither God nor I want to happen! When I carry my own load, I find that I am not only finding joy in trusting and relying on God to do His part, but I am also finding satisfaction, fulfillment, and growth in carrying my end of the bargain to achieve what I know God put on my heart. God is always about the process.

There’s no growth on our end if we allow Him to be a Father that doesn’t desire for His children to be strengthened, refined, and made to look more like Him on our way to Heaven.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

Continuing to invite friends and family on the journey with me. Also, staying on top of my training schedule and reaching out to new clients in both the fitness and modeling worlds

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

No dream is met alone – God put us here to connect with one another, to share our dreams and passions with those around us.

As an extremely focused individual, I have had many moments throughout my life where I realize a dream from God (or sometimes one I made up on my own ;)) and become so focused on that goal that I neglect to make time to invite others on the journey with me. What I’ve come to realize is that we simply can’t accomplish our dreams on our own and, if we could somehow come close, the feast at the end is not nearly as bountiful.

When I finish my race, I want to not only complement the work set before me, but be hugging each person around me who helped me get there – and be at their finish lines as well doing the same for them.

It’s beautiful to me how God shows us His character through His people. In a similar way to how we need others on this earth to do what we’re made to do, we need God in His goodness, His glory, His strength to help us finish the race. Can you imagine if a coach just said “Your ironman is on September 9th, 2022. See you at the finish line!”

God is a good coach, and He’s an even better Father who cares about our relational, physical, and spiritual wellness. Don’t fool yourself by thinking that your God-sized dream only needs one human-sized human to accomplish. Accept the humility that you can’t, and invite others to join you on your exciting journey. Chances are, they are just waiting for you to ask.


Insight (114)


Insight (113)