Ellen Williams

Ellen’s a creative entrepreneur building her dreams from Nashville, TN.

Ellen knows that a change isn’t a set back, but an opportunity to create something new. In 2020, when the world began shutting down, Ellen’s vision had begun opening up. It was her dream to begin a full service creative agency, and that’s exactly what she did.

With experience in both the fashion and magazine industry, Ellen’s able to lead her company and empower her clients in a way no one else can. With her focus on chic, high-quality content and direction, she has acquired high-end clients throughout North America and Europe.

Going from a 9-5 job to full time entrepreneur wasn’t easy, but with her faith in action, it was possible.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I’m really leaning into the creative side of my business. As a creative studio, we do so much in the space. But, I’m learning to turn my eye for design, curating, and styling into my real work.

I used to flip through magazines and be in awe of the scenes created and photographed. I feel blessed to have created a business where I am paid to do just that – Create beautifully branded scenes, and photograph them with my team.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I’ve collected random skills throughout my professional career. Everything from digital marketing to fashion, editorial, design, and creative direction.

I was in between jobs after leaving a managerial editor position, and I realized no one would hire me because I didn’t have a formal education. As I like to say, “No one would hire me. So, I hired myself.” When it started to take off, I felt like everything was finally falling into place.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

My faith goes hand-in-hand with my business in endless ways. Every failed opportunity I had and screwed up was redeemed when my business came to fruition. I realized I had quickly acquired a variety of necessary skills to run a creative agency.

The one thing standing in the way? Faith. I didn’t trust myself (or anyone, for that matter). I nearly quit several times before learning I had to trust God through the process. If He led me through these failed opportunities and brought me here, maybe I should trust Him a little more.

Needless to say, it wasn’t a “holier-than-thou” process. I failed quite a bit in my faith. But, each morning I try to relearn that without it, I have nothing. God created and formed my mind, and that is what people are hiring me to access.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

My routines are sacred. If I miss one (or God forbid… several) of my little routines on any given day, I’m likely behind on work, and very anxious.

I start my day with a morning devotion, espresso, and lemon water. And, I end my day by sitting in the shower for 30 minutes and washing the day away. I also find it incredibly important to turn my notifications off no later than 7 PM. It’s a rule I live by.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

Just begin! It sounds so cliché, but it’s the hardest step. The rest is just refining.


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