Cade Thompson

Cade’s a music artist and songwriter building his dreams and making an impact from Nashville, TN.

Cade’s faith in God, heart for people, and passion for purpose is what drives every move he makes. With connection on his mind, and music in his imagination, Cade uses every ounce of his creativity to reach others with what matters most. More than lyric and melody, he uses the art of storytelling to make a tangible difference in the lives of others.

Throughout his life, Cade’s realized God’s always up to something behind the scenes. In his latest single, “Bigger Story,” he reminds us all that God’s still got us, working it all out for our best.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I have a dream to use the power of music and the Gospel together to reach as many people as I possibly can in my lifetime.

I remember growing up on Christian music, and truly being impacted by the message of the music at a very young age. That’s what led me to want to create music, and hopefully have an impact on others lives too.

I’m so thankful to now be touring and traveling. Through the reach of Christian Radio, and so many other outlets for my music, I’m now starting to see that impact on deeper levels.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I remember very vividly - I was in the eighth grade, and I wanted to sing at my school talent show. As I was deciding on what song would be best, I knew in my heart I was supposed to sing a Christian song in front of this public school audience.

At that very moment, when the stage lights turned on and I sang that first note, I knew it was a dream God had put inside.

This dream was bigger than myself, and it truly pointed people to the One who placed the dream inside me. As the last strum was played, I saw the crowd's heart change, and I started to see a glimpse of this dream coming to life.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

My faith is everything for me - Without it, I wouldn’t be here today.

I remember the moment when my faith became real to me. And, a couple years after that moment, God began to put music ministry on my heart.

I had no idea what it looked like. All I knew is I was called to stay faithful to where God had me in that moment, and let Him take care of the rest.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

My first advice to moving forward is to start where you’re planted, while still continuing to dream about the future. This is very difficult to do, but once you understand this, you’ll be able to steward the relationships you have now, while dreaming about the ones to come in the future.

Secondly, I would say that rhythms are so important for your life. Build in time for margin and blank space in your day, so you can continue to dream about what is ahead to turn it into reality.

Finally, you have to learn what voices you need to listen to and what voices in your life you need to tune out.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

At the end of the day, no one knows your dreams like you do, and no one else can reach them but you.

Continue to push for clarity on your dreams. Stay faithful to what's ahead, use discernment, pray, and let God do the rest.


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