Brooke Taylor

We’re so excited to have our good friend Brooke Taylor with us for this week’s Dreamos Round Table. Brooke’s going on her 9th year in radio; From working at Radio Disney in LA, and now iHeartMedia in Chicago, she’s dedicated her life to moving wherever God takes her.

On her podcast, “Blessed with Brooke,” she shares her journey, weekly devotionals, and talks with country artists about their own journeys and stories of faith. We hope you’re encouraged and inspired by hearing a little more of her heart, pursuit, and story.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I’ve said since I was little, "I want people to know my name," and I’m currently living that with my career in radio. This is my 9th year in the business, and it’s wild to be flagged down by listeners at shows and them say, "I’m a huge fan of yours."

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

When it turned from "going to work" to actually loving what I do.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

Honestly, it’s been a journey. I share my whole testimony on my podcast, "Blessed with Brooke", but really, it's using the platform He gave me to reach people and talk about Him. People always say in this business, you have to be straight down the middle, you can’t voice your opinions or you don’t offend anyone.

This time last year I threw that out the window. I openly started talking about my faith in God on my show, social media, and podcast. The positive messages I get from listeners is overwhelming..and that’s ALL God.

What encouragement would you give someone who’s going after their dream?

Don't give up. I know it sounds cliche, but honestly don't. If God has called you to it, He's gonna equip you to get through it. So, try and turn down the negative voices in your head and turn God's voice up. He is for you, with you, and not against you. 


Inspiration (002)


Insight (001)