Alivia Fields

Alivia’s a lifestyle photographer and interior designer building her dreams from Northern Oregon and Orlando, Florida.

On a daily basis, you’ll find Alivia capturing interior photos for her Instagram audience, or working on a DIY project with her husband, Zach. Her love for travel and intentional experiences has heavily influenced her work as a photographer.

With an expertise in lifestyle, travel, and interior photography, as well as having photographed in nineteen countries - Plus over half the USA - Alivia captures timeless beauty, sharing her knowledge of how to leave it better than we found it.

Whether in a flower covered field, her own home, or road tripping across the country, Alivia strives to tell visual stories that embrace the spirit of nature and the simplicity that comes along with it.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

Currently, I’ve felt a calling to pursue the world of interior design, and of course, I am pursuing it untraditionally haha. Instead of going to design school, I’ve been seeking out opportunities to jump straight into the field.

Lately, this has looked like home renovation, purchasing investment property, and taking on design work for friends to gain experience and focus on my craft. I’m really excited to cultivate this new passion - Finding ways to integrate it with long time passions, like photography and social media marketing.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

As a creative person, I think my career pursuit has always been ever evolving. But, similarly, since all my passions are more or less symbiotically aligned in the creative field, I don’t feel there was ever one moment where I thought, “Ok, this is for sure my dream job.”

The reality is - Capturing creativity and sharing it has always been ingrained within me for most of my life.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

The most exciting thing about pursuing a relationship with God and pursuing a career (in anything, really) is that, when you’re walking down those two paths hand in hand with Jesus, He inevitably shines through in not only your personal life, but your career life too. I don’t want a career if Jesus isn’t in it with me, that’s for sure!

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

I always like to think about my end goal, where I want to be in one month, six months, five years, etc. What can I say, I’m a planner and a dreamer!

Something I like to do in these situations is write down the goal, and then work backwards, writing down the steps I’d need to take to get there. Once I’m done with this list, I can see what the first step is, and it’s usually not very intimidating. I think working backwards in this way helps to be more realistic, and not put so much pressure on myself in the beginning of a new journey.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

Something I would love to encourage you all in, whether you’re years into your dream career or still pursuing it, make sure you’re very clear about what it is you want and what message you want to convey through it.

Be confident in your worth, and put out into the world exactly what you want to be hired for. For example, if you want to achieve success in nature photography, be confident in saying “no” to wedding photography, or event photography, etc.

The moment I started applying this mindset to my business, I noticed a big shift in how I was presenting myself, and how prospective clients were viewing my business as well.


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