Alex Hudgens

We are unbelievably stoked to welcome our good friend Alex Hudgens to the Dreamos Round Table. Alex is a 2x Emmy-nominated multimedia journalist and producer, formerly of Access Hollywood and COMPLEX.

She pivoted from entertainment news to pursue work in film and is currently in the process of publishing her first book. Alex spends the rest of her time developing projects as founder of HybridHouse Productions, as a life coach under her Spurr banner, and appearing on-air as a brand ambassador for QVC.

Alex grew up in St. Louis and graduated from Vanderbilt University in Nashville. She now splits her time between Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and New York City with the people she loves — Building her empire, and spoiling her pug, Busy.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

ALL THE DREAMS. But for real — I am so grateful and high on life right now. Do people still say that? First of all, I’ve finally started prioritizing true rest and my soul feels more full, and more in touch with what I believe is my calling. I’ve slowed down and consequently have more energy and purpose than ever. I’m in the process of publishing my first book, I have a thriving coaching practice that is branching into live events under my spurr brand,

I’m working on some projects through my production company, HybridHouse, I’m pursuing work as an actor, and I still do some tv hosting. It’s a party over here, people. And all of this only happened because I was willing to walk away from my past “dream job” that wasn’t truly what I wanted anymore, despite how good it looked from the outside — *Praise hand emojis* — I stand for courage, hope, and I love helping people really squeeze the juice out of life. 

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

Okay the real answer is — I don’t think I’ll ever be finished discovering my dreams! Seriously…there’s so much in my heart and head that I’m hoping for a long lifetime to explore. That probably sounds cheesy and like the most Enneagram 3 thing to say, ever — But it’s true.

My ultimate career dream is to always be pursuing my true career dreams, no matter how they change or how crazy they may seem. That means working my butt off to be in a financial position to do whatever I want for work, whenever. It also means resting, because I’m not a machine. And it means doing the self-work to really be centered and growing into who I want to BE so that whatever I DO is authentic.

As far as what I’m currently up to? I’ve been writing in some shape or form since I was in elementary school, and becoming a published author has been on the dream list for as long as I can remember. I recently signed with a lit agent and we’re shopping the proposal for my first book, so I’m closer than ever to seeing one of my oldest dreams come to life. I’m so grateful, I legit cry all the time. Total sap over here.

With my other pursuits — Coaching sort of entered my life organically over the last few years, as a result of working with a coach myself, the workshops I attend, and my general obsession with helping people realize their potential and get out of their own way. The majority of my studies at Vanderbilt were centered around learning everything there is to know about how humans work…I’m obsessed — And now, it’s become one of the most fulfilling ventures I’ve pursued yet.

When it comes to entertainment — I’ve known since I was in middle school that I wanted to work in television. And I’m so grateful to have built the platform I did as a tv host, because it’s helping me to create opportunities as a producer and actor. Interviewing a ton of creatives while I was on-camera at Access Hollywood really helped me realize that I’d rather be working in the movies than reporting on them. Investing in an intense, 2-year acting school in LA solidified that notion. SO, now I’m developing some scripted work with my production company HybridHouse and beginning the process of auditioning (etc) as an actor.

I’m realizing this all sounds like a lot, and I guess it is…but if I can encourage anyone, just know-- you really can do more than you probably think you’re capable of — If you’re willing to prioritize, commit, focus, and take real rest. Big vision requires big action, big energy, and big stillness sometimes. It’s so worth it    

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

God invites all of us to abundance. I’ve been waking up to what that can look like both in my everyday life, and my long-term goals. My faith allows me to genuinely dream without any restrictions… I’m committed to a life of epic generosity, both in my resources and in myself. I want to exhaust the talents I’ve been given. I want to ‘die empty,’ knowing that I really used what I was given to multiply good in the world. If I trust that God is who He says He is, then I can literally live a limitless life because I am not afraid of death. I know where I’m going after all of this, but I don’t know when — So why would I waste time playing small?

The earth-side adventure is truly that to me-- an adventure that my faith affords me. Scripture continuously points us to God’s abundance and yet, I don’t see many people really living into what that might mean. I do not believe that we were born to pay bills and die. I do not believe that we are here to let doubt, fear, and worry weigh us down all the time. My mentors always say that ‘worry is a misuse of the imagination.’ I’d rather use my imagination creatively to bring about what I want in this world. I serve a creative God and I was made in His image, so you better believe that I’m going to lean into that. And I can rest in knowing that He invites me into a full-life because He loves me, not because I need to prove or earn my worthiness or value.

What encouragement would you give someone who’s going after their dream?

I encourage you to really, really pay attention to your language. Speak powerful, positive, generative language over your life. Don’t complain. Humans are emotional beings — Your thoughts and emotions will either serve you well, or they’ll be super destructive. We create emotion, thought, and meaning with the words we’re using in our heads and the ones we’re letting out of our mouths. What you focus on, you create more of — So choose wisely and speak life, always.

Learn to rest well. And remember — You’ve already won. You have nothing to earn or prove. God did all of that for you. So now, you’re just here to live the most grateful, generous, joyful life that you can. I really wish that ‘joyful’ started with a ‘g.’


Inspiration (017)


Insight (016)