Insight (037)

Over these past few weeks, we’ve taken a first look at the Dreamos Framework for pursuing the dreams you’re inspired to reach. As we’ve gone over tangible ways to move forward, I wanted to make sure you remembered just how ready you are to begin moving toward them.⁣

You and your dreams go together - Created for one another. God knew what He was doing when He brought you to life, and He designed everything within you to pair perfectly with what you’re inspired to do.

Fear, doubt, and their friends know what it means for your dreams to be realized. How it’ll prove your faith, the truth of possibility, and strengthen the courage in others to do the same. They know once your dreams come true, they’ve lost, and that’s why they keep throwing punches.

That’s why it’s so important for you to do all you can to speak every bit of truth over your life. Truth has the power to silence fear and disregard doubt because it sees things as they really are - How God sees it all. God knows you're better than you think, braver than you feel, bolder than you’ve seen, and stronger than you know.

When you line up your thoughts with His way of thinking, you’ll see just how ready you really are.


McKenna Johns


Inspiration (037)