Mattie Meese

Mattie’s a content creator, designer, social media strategist, and worship leader from San Francisco, CA, now building her dreams from the midwest.

With a heart for God and passion for people, Mattie takes the steps needed to follow His lead and trust that He’s got her. Whether it was running her photography business for seven years, stepping into the non-profit space with A21, or leading worship locally and overseas, Mattie has continued risking what she knows for what He’s called her to.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

One dream of the many I hold close is to lead people into God's presence and for all to experience the nearness and realness of His Kingdom. This ever-evolving dream is through the means of leading worship in His house with His people.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I believe I am constantly re-discovering and unearthing this dream. It's almost funny to call it a dream, but when I reflect on the times in my life when I felt most like who I am created to be, it has been when I am in the quiet, secret place with God-worshiping or musically, with others.

If I were to place a date on it, it would be when I first started walking with Christ, 12 years ago. I had no idea leading worship vocally would be a part of my life. It has wrecked me in more ways than I can count, and I have witnessed the Father's love for us in spaces around the world. There have been intentional encounters along the way that has only strengthened this.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

We were all created to worship something. We are all being formed into the shape of something or someone. My relationship with Jesus is the well of my life that never runs dry. He never runs out of beauty to witness or glory to acknowledge. That doesn't mean I don't fall short, but it does mean that He is always worthy of praise despite my failures, my dryness, or my weaknesses. To me, He is the safest, yet the most adventurous dream I have.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

The first step immediately comes to mind: I go to the place no one else can go in your soul and get alone with Him. Go for a walk and talk to God. Find a place in your home where you can journal and read scripture. Ask Him what he wants to say about the dream you have stirring.

Without leadership and healthy examples, life gets weird. I find someone with the qualities I deeply admire or who is ahead of me in this space, and ask to learn from them. I think mentorship is one of the most beautiful things about being human.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

Your dream is not an accident. Keep excavating the 'why' behind it and care for it well. The things you say "no" to will genuinely make the necessary room for the right "yes." Only you can bring to the world what you can. No one else like you is at the core, and that is essential.


Insight (134)


Insight (133)