Maddie Morris

Maddie’s a visual storyteller getting after her dreams from Phoenix, AZ.

Wherever she’s at and whoever she’s with, Maddie makes sure to make every moment count. Whether it’s building her own dream or helping someone else’s come to life, Maddie puts all her faith and everything she believes into action. Through her courage and consistency, Maddie’s seen the big things God will do when you choose to create and collaborate with purpose.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I’m currently challenging myself creatively. I’ve always enjoyed creative directing in spaces where I feel there’s meaning to communicate to an audience. I’m finishing up college at Grand Canyon University and am studying communications. It’s taught me how to creatively problem shoot and communicate on a creative and professional level.

Through my classes and people around me, I’ve been challenged and inspired to create things that matter to me. I have lately been making Instagram reels and finding fun new ways to create and collaborate with my friends to achieve creative goals set in place. I consider myself a dreamer of what I want to be and find myself desiring to partner and collaborate with others to accomplish this job.

For a long time I’ve always known I was a dreamer and a creative, but floated through college not challenging myself to create as much as I’d like. I felt as if I did not have the right resources or talent, but this has taught me the beauty of collaboration. I look around and am so grateful for the people I get to collaborate with.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

Ever since I was young, I always had big dreams and passions. I remember being attached to my family's videocam and making and directing movies, music videos, and dances with my little sister.

Not only was I always directing and filmmaking as a kid, but I was captivated by watching movies and listening to the soundtracks. My dream of creating and collaborating started when I was young and appreciated the work of others and the ways in which they positively impacted me.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

I always want to challenge myself to remain in awe of the Lord. I believe pursuing the Lord as He pursues me is what drives creativity. In every season, highs or lows, there is beauty to create. The definition of the word create is, “To make something out of nothing; to make new.” I think this word holds weight because it resembles not only what God did by creating humanity and the beauties of the world, but also what Jesus did in us.

He made something brand new out of brokeness. I think of the verse Isiah 61:3 - “He makes beauty from ashes”. The Lord is in the business of taking what was broken, shattered, and deemed useless, and creating something valuable, worthy, and beautiful. What an honor it is to invite the Lord into our day and to ask Him to give us eyes to see what He sees.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

I create space and time to rest throughout my week. I believe that the core of sustainability in a creative purist is disciplined rest. As we chase the things that set our heart on fire, we have to balance life to make room for us to create. If we carve out time for work, friends, family and other responsibilities, we can also take time to rest. Rest allows us to be filled up by the Lord to be able to pour out.

The second practical step that keeps me focused and inspired is writing core goals, verses, and inspirations on sticky notes and leaving them on my bedroom door. This is a daily reminder of what I want to stay focused on throughout my week.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

My encouragement would be to share your dreams with safe people around you. Sharing your passions and dreams with the right people can be a great first step. It is an honor for those around you to hear your dreams.

Here's some more encouragement that has impacted me:

  • “Look what we get to do”, said by the famous Justin Bieber. I love what he said because this statement gives honor to what we get to do. As children of God, we get to walk with Him and create with and for Him. What an honor and treasure that is.

  • “You are a creative - You do have something to give and to say.” Oftentimes, we can discredit ourselves, so this is your reminder that you can in fact chase your dreams - You are capable. The Lord is proud of you no matter what.

  • Create out of a space of rest and partnership with the Holy Spirit.

  • “Sometimes, it costs you more, but it will be worth more.” - I heard that in church and it encouraged me to keep pressing on and trusting the process. It might take extra time, work, and sacrifice, but it will all be worth it. The Lord honors those who wait on Him. So, press in when it’s hard and wait on the Lord to, “Renew your strength” (Isaiah 41:30).

  • Allow change, shift, collaboration, and criticism to come. Rather, welcome it with open arms.

  • Comparison does nothing for you. Remember - You’re already enough.

  • It's not about how much you produce, but the daily choice to recognize your identity in Christ. You were created to create. So, live each day with fresh perspective from the Lord. You can trust that out of the intimacy with the Father, He will direct you to where you need to be.


Insight (147)


Insight (146)