Lane Henson

Lane’s a designer, typographer, and photographer getting after her dreams from Atlanta, GA.

Living on purpose and building with faith, Lane uses every bit her creativity to bring all she’s imagined to life. As a graphic designer, she’s experienced the way design moves within the sports industry, a studio setting, and the church community. Her ultimate passion is being immersed in the print world, pouring her gifts into a magazine. With patience, peace, and a whole lot of ambition, Lane continues turning all she’s dreamed into reality.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I’m working towards becoming a graphic designer in the print industry. It has always been my dream to create work that touches people and stirs some purpose within them the way print design does for me. The ultimate dream is the one I’m currently living - getting to use my gifts as a graphic designer inspired by the world around me.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

From a young age, I always knew I would pursue something within the creative realm. Little me always had a headspace in awe of the wonders of God’s creation around me - always in my head day-dreaming and creating.

My soul was always safest in nature and at peace around animals. I began photography in efforts to capture this beauty and love. A lot of my early childhood photos were centered around things He gave life to - the bees in the azaleas, the cows on the side of the road, or the genuine moments of my beautiful sisters laughing at the beach.

I quickly found inspiration in National Geographic. I felt such a connection to this magazine, and a huge admiration for those able to capture the happenings in God’s world and bring them to others on paper. This admiration quickly turned into a dream, wanting to work with beautiful imagery and typography in the print realm.

When I started attending design school, I became entranced by typography. It was another form of communication and connection, and speaks its own language. Through discipline and consistency, I showed up to discover why type moved me in the way that it did. I quickly learned the beauty that drew me to print was the way in which photography and typography interacted with one another to tell a story. I yearned to connect to other humans in the way that print design connected with me. I hope one day I am able to touch the hearts of people through my work, just as print has touched me.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

Jesus is my guide, my ultimate companion, my best friend, and the one who I am in constant conversation with. He leads me and points me to my surroundings, giving me inspiration and evoking an urge to create.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

Remind yourself to find beauty in the mundane. This will help keep you in the present and happier along the journey (God is everywhere, and He is everything).

To truly live is to experience…and then create. What you dedicate time and consistency to is an indicator of what you are honoring.

Dabble in other mediums. You’ll discover new ways to express creativity that you didn’t expect. (I found that I loved film photography over digital. Having the creative process be tangible is now something I’ve adopted within my design process).

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

Lead with wonder and seek to find Jesus in people and places surrounding you. God is the ultimate Creator, and the most beautiful creation of all was life.

Your inspiration can come in the form of anything, at any moment. Have your heart and eyes open to this. Being within the presence of the Holy Spirit is what will keep you safe in knowing the future will be beautiful, because it is in His hands.

Have your goals, but don’t let that be the only thing that drives you. Let your creativity drive you, and the Lord will honor your dreams because you have honored the gifts He has given you.


Insight (169)


Insight (168)