Katie Potter

Katie’s a designer, photographer, and social media marketer building her dreams from Phoenix, AZ.

With a heart for people and a willingness to step out in faith, Katie’s been making moves to see all she’s believing for come to life. Building in multiple lanes in photography, design, and marketing, Katie’s able to take a big idea and turn it into reality. As she continues moving forward, she continues making an impact. To Katie, pursuing her dreams is never just about reaching it, but inspiring others along the way.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I would love to eventually be a creative director of a non-profit ministry or open a production agency with a focus on serving non-profits and for-profit small to medium size organizations!

Currently, I volunteer as a Media Director for a small non-profit that ministers to college students, and it’s been sweet to see the Lord move not only in our team, but in the work we create.

My past three internships have been at non-profit ministries and the work environment is like no other. Knowing you are all working towards the common goal to further the message of the Gospel is what pushes me towards the non-profit sector post-grad.

There is something incredibly sweet in using your strengths to advance the Kingdom of Heaven and contribute to the unified body of Christ. It’s the feeling of knowing you were designed and wired to do something with excellence, whether that be STEM, creative, or business — and using it for the glory of the Creator.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I was 17 and doing my first internship at Pulse Movement. I was in the middle of shooting a worship night they hosted, and I came to the full realization that the images I was taking were for the sole glorification of God. That I am simply a vessel, and by His grace He works through our brokenness and meets us there. He redeems, restores, and commissions us to live life on mission for the Gospel.

That night is when I decided that all I want to do is to photograph and capture the joy of the Lord here on earth until the day He calls me home.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

Without a relationship with Jesus Christ, my current dream wouldn’t exist. I would be chasing the satisfaction of the world and not finding true rest at the feet of God. Walking with the Lord has guided me to use who He made me to be to love others well and to foster creativity that glorifies the Creator.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

Get a mentor. Many people have walked the same path as you and have made the mistakes that you can learn from. Trust me, there are so many people who want to pour into you. Have a heart of humility and take responsibility. For the past two summers, I’ve worked at a non-profit and had two supervisors that were beyond remarkable and so formative in who I am as a creative today. I was pushed beyond my creative boundaries and grew spiritually, professionally, and personally. They met me where I was at and took the time to equip me and be patient when I made mistakes. I have no doubt that there are people like this in your field that WANT to pour into you. Seek them out and you will not regret it!

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

First, keep things in perspective. At the end of the day, three things are eternal — God, God’s Word, and relationships with those around you — Everything else will fade and return to dust (Genesis 3).

Second - Never say “no” to yourself. Let other people say “no” to you first. Reach out and simply ask. Sounds simple because it is simple. This last summer I was able to shoot Noah Kahan’s concert at Red Rocks Amphitheatre, and I emailed about eighteen publications asking for a media pass. Seventeen of them said “no”, but one said “yes”. Send the email. Send the DM. Send the text. Worst answer you can get is “no”.


Insight (158)


Insight (157)