Insight (233)
Whenever you’re wondering whether or not God is around, think about all the times when you knew He was, and you’ll remember He is.
The reality is - He’s always there to listen, to talk about everything, and walk alongside you through anything.
When disappointments happen, doubt’s gonna say God wasn’t there, or even go as far as saying He doesn’t care. But, God cares about you so much, and He’s literally always there.
Faith knows that, and when you listen to what faith has to say over what doubt keeps going on about, you’ll believe it too.
Even if what you’ve asked Him for isn’t here yet, or what you’re dreaming about is here yet either, it doesn’t mean it’s not on the way. It also doesn’t mean He’s not paying attention or giving you the time He promised.
He wants your dream to happen as much as you do, but He wants your faith and trust even more.
The more you trust Him, the more likely it’ll be for you to reach the future you always talk with Him about.
He hasn’t left, and He never will. He’s right there with you just hoping you’ll keep believing that He is.