Insight (227)

When you’ve done all you can, listening to God every step of the way, and it still doesn’t end up how you thought it would? It’s all good.

I know, that can be tough to take in, especially when you really wanted something to happen. But, God has reasons for why and plans for what’s next.

With Him, it’s not always about what’s happening in front of you but what He’s making sure you’re ready for up ahead.

If He can trust you to believe Him now, He can trust you’ll believe Him later.

What happened in the past was getting you ready for what’s gonna happen in the future, regardless of whether it went your way or not.

The truth is, when it’s right for you, it’ll be for you. If it’s not, it won’t.

Just remember, if something doesn’t go how you thought, that’s not on you. You’ve done all you can with all you’ve got, in faith, knowing it’s all fitting perfectly within His plan.

The thing is - As long as He’s got you, you’re good. And, He’s always got you. So, you’re good.


Insight (228)


Insight (226)