Insight (217)

If you’ve messed up, made a mistake, or haven’t done as well as you would’ve liked, that’s okay.

You weren’t meant to be perfect and you weren’t made to get it right all the time. You were made to learn, to grow, and made to try again.

Just a little reminder, there’s not a single person who’s got it all together.

Sure, it might look like it from the outside, but image can be misleading.

So, when you fall again, get back up again. When you make a mistake, learn from each one. When you miss what you’ve been going for, go for it again. When you get it wrong, remember, you’re in very good company.

Perfection is never the point. It’s all about the process, and that’s where you find the purpose.

So, take a deep breath, lift your head up high, and keep moving forward.

You’re doing just fine.


Insight (218)


Insight (216)