Insight (215)

What if I told you that you were ready to go after the ideas you’ve been dreaming up?

What if I said good things don’t just happen for them, but they’ll happen for you too?

What if you started to believe the feeling that you were meant for more and lived like you knew it was true? A whole lot can change from the moment you do.

The truth is, you’re more ready than you can tell, more qualified than you feel, and more capable than you could ever know. That’s why you’ve just gotta go for it.

You’ve gotta take the step when doubt’s telling you to stay and take the leap when fear’s telling you to walk away.

There’s really never gonna be a time when butterfly thoughts aren’t trying to talk you out of it. So, talk yourself into it. Again and again..and again.

Remember, the feeling that says you’re made for more is real..and it’s right. You really are. So, go for it.


Insight (216)


Insight (214)