Insight (062)

If you’re anything like me, I’m sure you’d love to know a little more about what’s ahead. I mean, how amazing would it be if one day God just decided, “Hey, let me show you how it’s all gonna work out.” Now, don’t get me wrong, the idea of it sounds pretty great. But, then again, what’s a dream without adventure? What’s adventure without some mystery?

When it comes down to it, I think God just really likes surprise. Sure, He could share His secrets and tell you how it’s all gonna happen, but where’s the fun in that? No, I think He wants to see the look on your face when it all comes together in a way you would've never expected.

It’s like throwing a surprise party - Except God’s the head of the committee, and, well, you’re the one being surprised. You don’t have a clue of what’s going on behind the scenes, but all along, strings are being pulled in every direction to get you where you need to be at the exact moment you need to be there. Then, “Surprise!” - You find out God had the whole thing planned from the start.

Here’s the thing - He always does.


Reed Deming


Caitlin Holt