Insight (051)

Faith’s never been one to wait on a feeling - It knows the feelings will come a little later. Courage has a similar reputation. It’ll feel the wild race of its heart, but lace up and run toward what it wants anyway. What I like about faith and courage is how childlike they both are. They don’t care about the “What ifs?”, they’re more about the “Why nots?”.

Think it’s time to let your faith and courage be kids again. They don’t need to grow up, and you don’t need to grow out of them. When you listen to faith and lace up with courage, you’ll discover a life you were always meant to live - One full of wonder, adventure, and possibility.

Let your “What ifs” become “Why nots” and go after every dream you’ve had your heart set on. You were made for it.


Chris House


Happy New Year!