Insight (030)

A change doesn’t mean it’s over, it just means you’ll need to pivot to get to the ending you’re after. New seasons call for new ideas, new approaches, and sometimes, even new direction. You won’t always be able to predict a shift, but you can always learn from it, grow through it, and build off it.

God will use the dead ends as detours to ultimately take you where you need to go. A pause in the process is really a redirection for your progress. You might not know what’s up ahead, but He’s got the blueprint for your future. He knows what it’s gonna take to accomplish your dreams, and He’s included the transitions along the way.

The journey doesn’t always come with the details, but God will always provide the direction. Keep moving forward, pivot when you need to, and learn all you can. One day you’ll reach your a way you would have never expected.


Karissa Lee Staples


Inspiration (030)