Insight (027)

Throughout life and on the way to any dream, there will be quite a few challenges that come up. The thing about them is they all look a little bit different. Some can seem as big as giants while others sneak in smaller than a whisper. No matter their form, worry likes to use them to trip you up and slow you down.

If worry can steal your attention and capture your imagination, then it can distract you from your dream and the truth about your future. If you’ve found yourself in a time warp of distraction, then ⁣it’s time to reset and activate your courage to take another step forward.

When worry has you spinning, dig your heels into the foundation of your faith. Remember that you’re God’s kid, chosen with a purpose, designed to reach your dreams, made to make a difference, and ready to face any challenge that comes your way.

What worry will never tell you is how challenges can become the avenues that lead to the greatest outcomes. So, when it throws you a distraction, remember to refocus your thoughts on all you believe - That will set your faith back into motion and propel you toward your dream.


Matthew Paquette


Inspiration (027)