Insight (020)

Last week we worked our way through what it means to create a Vision Statement, and this week we’ll be talking about putting together a Vision Outline. This outline will become the framework for your goals. Think of it like the game “Connect-the-Dots. The line is your Vision and the dots are your Goals. When you reach your Goals, you’re connecting the dots, and in doing so bringing the whole picture to life.⁣

To create a Vision Outline, you need to first picture your dream, and then write out as many Big Wins that you see along the way. Big Wins are any significant accomplishments that go hand in hand with your dream. If you dream to be an actor, Big Wins might look like landing a leading role, getting a great agent, or working with your favorite director.

Once you’ve written your Big Wins, you can then transition them into a Priority List. This process will help organize your thoughts, providing more structure for the next steps forward. There’s no need to know “how” you’ll reach your Big Wins at this point, it’s just important to clarify what they are.

The last piece to your Vision Outline is turning your Priority list into Vision Checkpoints. These checkpoints help identify progress and act as landmarks for achievement. They’re also a great catalyst for momentum as they keep your focus and pull you toward all that’s ahead.

When you’ve got your Vision Outline all set, you’ll be good to go for the next step of Dream Development.


Jordan Sarmo


Inspiration (020)